We like to think of ourselves as true plantsmen. We take great pride in this title and we’re passionate about all-things-plants including colour, texture, and mimicking nature in its truest form. A true plantsman has great connections – we use over forty different specialist growers from all over the UK and overseas, to ensure a magical finish that pays close attention to detail. All of our schemes are positioned by our Plant Designer, who even considers the orientation of each plant.

  • Swathes of planting alongside the meandering drystone wall
  • Pleached box hornbeams planted behind a modern sandstone drystone wall with a modern clean sawn sandstone paving
  • Hostas, Euphorbia and ferns help create a lush palette of colourful greens
  • Trillium planted on mass for dramatic effect
  • A vertical fern wall with a Buddha's head suspended for dramatic effect